11 October 2008

Maybe I am a farmer...

22:00 09 October 2008

I’m happy to report that the funk I was in a few days ago- though it was for very legitimate reasons I believe- has eased somewhat. My G-I problems, while not passed are better, and I’ve came to terms with my friend leaving. On an unrelated note, I am also growing a beard. I got very tired of having to shave with cold water when it was cold so I decided a beard was the best course of action, we’ll see how it works out (already I’ve been asked why I hadn’t shaved, but when I explained what I was doing they amicably understood).

Today I had my first Russian tutoring session. My tutor was recommended to me by my counterpart and speaks no English, but I think that will be okay. I told her that I wanted to first focus on speaking and maybe later move onto reading and writing. Seemed to go alright so far.

I also had a much better experience in the fields today than when I became lost with two obstinate cows. We were let out of school early and don’t have classes for the next two days because apparently some of the kids hadn’t finished with the potato harvest- a little frustrating for me, but alright. When I heard my sister was going to help a friend dig potatoes, I figured why not spend the break doing what it was intended for? So I went to the fields with her and spent several hours digging and sorting potatoes. I found myself much more taken to this task than the other farm and home tasks I have tried so far. While it is undoubtedly knee and back breaking work, I found it much more natural and even fun to goof around with people my age (my sister and her friend are both 24) while doing something productive. So yay for not being a total failure on the farm!

1 comment:

Owen said...

Okay, maybe you aren't cut out to be a texas cowboy, but you could always be an idaho potato farmer. :-P

How funny to imagine school being cancelled because some kids had to finish digging out potatoes.