11:15 23 October 2009
I’m looking to get some feedback on a new look I’ve been rocking recently. I had a goatee for quite some time ad was decided that it was time for a new look a few weeks ago. So I was just going to shave it all off, and started to, but decided just for fun to leave a mustache for the day, with no intent of showing anyone. I forgot about it however and went to the bazaar later that day with my gloriously sheathed upper lip. I got a few strange looks, and was wondering why that was. Of course… it was because I was wearing a mustache. I decided at the very least that I would keep it until Halloween (I make a mean Goose from Top Gun with a pair of aviators and volleyball shorts) and I planned on shocking and disgusting my fellow Peace Corps volunteers. Admittedly, somewhat to my disappointment, I didn’t receive this disgust… While a volunteer or two gave me the reaction I was hoping for, the majority didn’t notice it and some even said that it suits me! So I am now appealing to you, my readership audience to give me the truth, is it ridiculous? Does it actually look good? Should I shave it the morning of Nov. 1? I heard a rumor that mustaches are coming back in style in the States but I’m skeptical of this at best. Anyhow, I would very much appreciate your input! Thanks in advance.
Jon- you are so thin! I cannot judge the mustache. When I see your face the only thing I can think is that you need to "kooshay!"
Hey Jonathan! I don't think the mustache looks particularly ridiculous, but I vote "no" on it. Mustaches do seem to be making some sort of comeback where I am in Seattle, but they seem to be of the ironic hipster variety. Don't become an ironic hipster!
AAAAAAH!!! Where's the rest of your face??? And neck???? AAAAAH!!!! I know the internet at home is amazing and glorious but you need to EAT, boy!!!! Go mooch off of friendly neighbors or munch on a stick of butter please!!!!! And I vote no facial hair! Can't wait to talk to you tonight! MUUUUAH!!!! -Ashley
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