26 June 2008

A new page in life

Welcome to my new blog. This forum will be the public side of my service as a Peace Corps Volunteer in the Kyrgyz Republic, also/formerly known as Kyrgyzstan (Hence the name KyrgyzJon- clever, no?). Here I will attempt to post reasonably regular updates on what I am doing, where I am, who I am meeting, how I am doing, and of course, why I am choosing to spend 27 months out of the prime of my life in a developing country (I couldn't think of a when except for when I am coming home- which hopefully is Oct. 2010).

I hope you find my sporadic musings entertaining, interesting, and thought-provoking (if you don't and I need criticism, do let me know). I'll be living a completely new life come early July (orientation in Philly starts on the 3rd and we leave for Bishkek the 5th) and I hope my radically different vantage will be able to provide me with some insight onto an ignored area of the world and just our culture from afar.

Of course I will miss all my friends and family when I am away, but I believe this will provide an effective forum to facilitate some amount of communication. Regardless, to those of you I will not be seeing prior to my departure, I bid thee adieu. I will miss you, I will miss my country, I will miss my culture, but being a PCV has been a decade long dream of mine and I am excited to be embarking upon this journey.

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