21 November 2017

Not-so-triumphant return (again)

I started this blog in 2008 as I embarked on the biggest journey of my life—joining Peace Corps in Kyrgyzstan. Though I stopped updating it mid-service, I've been told several times over nearly a decade that people, both strangers and friends, actually enjoyed reading it. I'm glad that I was able to, in some small way, work towards Peace Corps’ Goal 3 of “Helping promote a better understanding of other peoples on the part of Americans.”

Fortunately for me, my life has been substantially less idle than my blog. The highlights of the past eight years would be something like:

-worked for Catholic Relief Services in the emergency response to the 2010 Osh riots
-moved to Japan to join Saori and lived with her mother grandparents for four years
-worked in the HQ of a chain of English designing curricula and digital learning tools
-got married
-came back to the US in 2015 for grad school
-graduated and moved to DC last year to take a research job with Save the Children

I’ve recently been feeling the urge to write again. I travel a lot for my current job and am often gripped by the peculiarities of life that inspired me to share my experiences here in the first place. I don’t plan to post here regularly, but rather share the occasional anecdote from my current life and from memories from past years. I hope you’ll indulge me.

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